Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 1, 2013

Healthy Foods in Paleo Diet

As disease and obesity begin to get out of hand in today's world, the search intensifies for the perfect diet that would bring down the incidence of these major health problems. The search may have ended in the Paleo diet which consists of foods that our prehistoric ancestors consumed before the advent of agriculture and modernization of food preparations. The growing consensus is that this diet is the ultimate in high-nutrition foods.
The foods in the Paleo diet are good sources of energy and protein such that an increasing number of athletes now stick to this daily diet. A switch to this diet is not so hard to do since the foods in it are pretty much the same things we eat every day. The key is how you obtain and prepare these foods.
Basic Paleo diet foods.
The foods that are essential to this diet are animal and poultry meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. These food items must be consumed fresh, free of fats and additives and cooked just slightly. Your goal is to approximate the ways the cavemen ate their foods when fire for cooking was yet to be perfected and they ate their meats and plant foods as soon as they were hunted or gathered to prevent spoilage. For this reason, the foods that came to be known after the agriculture revolution should be avoided. The foods under this heading include sugar, salt, grains and dairy products which make people susceptible to weight increase that leads to diabetes and heart problems.
Benefits of Paleo diet
The foods in this diet are low in carbohydrates since it avoids grains, potatoes, bread and sweetened beverages that are high in carbs. Carbohydrates are good provider of energy for other living organisms but are not essential in humans. The human body can derive its energy from protein and certain fats which pose less health risks.
While the Paleo diet supplies less carbohydrates, it provides lots of fiber that comes from most fruits and vegetables. Enough fiber in your diet will make you feel full for a longer period and thus prevent you from overeating. It will also help you lower the risk of developing heart diseases, cancer, kidney stones and diabetes.
The Paleo diet is also useful in combating the symptoms of allergies especially those caused by foods. Such allergies take place because of chemicals and preservatives contained in certain foods. The Paleo diet does not contain the allergy-causing gluten and casein, which are commonly used in food processing. All this means that you can shed those extra pounds without the use of food supplements and expensive but risky reducing pills.
The caveman survived the harshness of the planet earth at the dawn of civilization by making the basic foods in nature their everyday staple. All they had were meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and nuts in their rawest form. They were more energetic, had leaner bodies and suffered from less of the illnesses that plague today's humans.
Ernesto L. S. is a paleo diet expert. For more great information on paleo books, visit

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